A temporary international, multi cultural and multidisciplinary creative community fruitfully tested on the field shared practices by using multimedia languages, artistic approaches and performative-spontaneous attitudes in the specific urban context, with the direct involvement of local actors and public institutions responsible for the River’s management and safeguard, looking for a RESILIENT and INCLUSIVE urban future, in terms of responsible cultural valorization and sustainable development for the local community and the diverse minorities directly involved in each step of the operative shared process. The LWC-ArnoLab017 stimulated the interdisciplinary exchange of knowledge, information, attitudes, skills and real-world know-how through artistic expression and multiple forms of media.

The students made direct experience in the context – they made measurements, interviewed local experts, survey on site, visited the Cartographic Archive to appreciate the historical maps and iconographies; they retraced the history of Arno river through the centuries; spoke with Administrators and different Riverbank users to collect the precious information fundamental to prepare the Plan Guide and Micro Design proposals, discussed on-site by colleagues and international guest critics, till give life to a series of installations (light infrastructures, staging points, urban furniture) that were realized during the Operative Workshop. The local Community and minorities interested by the LWC-ArnoLab had the major role inside the workshop experiences and thanks to the high quality of the established relationships, the Creative Community gave life to a vivid shared design process till the final realisations on site.