LWCircus Scientific Coordinator – Mx

Pedro CAMARENA | Landscape Architect | LAAP Co-founder| Prof. at UNAM (Mx)

He is Landscape Architect by the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM, 1998) and Master in Sustainable Development from the University of Lanús / FLACAM, Argentina (2009). Co-founder of LAAP Workshop, focused on landscape architecture, urban interventions and proposals for territorial scale, He is Professor of the Design Workshop at the Academic Unit of Landscape Architecture, UNAM, and visiting professor at the Master’s degree in Landscape Architecture at the Universidad Marista of Merida, Yucatan. He is Program Consultant for the Campus Ecological Control Program of UNAM and for the Ecological Reserve at Pedregal de San Angel. Currently, Prof. Camarena is president of the Landscape Architects Society of Mexico (SAPM 2013-2015) and organizer of the 1st Latin American Biennial of Landscape architecture. He participated in national and international conferences, being coordinator of the 3rd International Congress Ambitectura, UNAM, 2011 and presenter on issues of mobility in Velo City Global 2010, Denmark. He is also specialized in ecological restoration, green infrastructure and mobility, and has works published on these topics. Prof Camarena is chief of Special Projects of REPSA, being in charge of the transformation of the formal gardens in the campus into “xero-gardening” ones. He has been Team Leader for the last two editions of the LandWorks-Sardinia international operative Program. Prof. Camarena is Co-Founder and Scientific Coordinator of LWCircus, the Italian – Mexican Operative Shared Program born in the 2016 and focused on experimental modalities in searching new strategies for sustainable urban and rural development on sensitive natural areas and the revitalization of cultural landscapes inside Mediterranean and the developing Countries.